
1. sound-signify

Cummaq: to get to the depth, to plunge, to dip, to dash, to dart


prominent form/type [c]: qualitativity

vectorial tendency [u]: (relative to) far environment

function [m]: potentially active

Sound-signify version: ([do the act] of [experiencing] differnce in quality) + (relative to far environment) + ([functionally] potentially active)

Semantic interpretation: ([to] do the qualitatively differentiating job potential to get to the extermity)

2. structure


base infinitives:



active: [1. cummaq, 2. —, 3. —, 4. —]

mutual: [5. cumşmaq, 6. —, 7. —, 8. —]

causative: [9. cumdurmaq, 10. —, 11. —, 12. —]

mutual: [13. cumşdurmaq, 14. —, 15. —, 16. —]

passive: [17. cumulmaq, 18. —, 19. —, 20. —]

mutual: [21. —, 22. —, 23. —, 24. —]

passive-causative: [25. cumdurulmaq, 26. —, 27. —, 28. —]

mutual: [29. cumşdurulmaq, 30. —, 31. —, 32. —]


active: [33. cummamaq, 34. —, 35. —, 36. —]

mutual: [37. cumşmamaq, 38. —, 39. —, 40. —]

causative: [41. cumdurmamaq, 42. —, 43. —, 44. —]

mutual: [45. cumşdurmamaq, 46. —, 47. —, 48. —]

passive: [49. cumulmamaq, 50. —, 51. —, 52. —]

mutual: [53. —, 54. —, 55. —, 56. —]

passive-causative: [57. cumdurulmamq, 58. —, 59. —, 60. —]

mutual: [61. cumşdurulmamaq, 62. —, 63. —, 64. —]


cumma/ cummama (n.) (is.):

[cummalı/ cummamalı] (adj.)

cummuş/ cummamış (adj.)

[cummuşluq/ cummamışlıq] (n.)

Cumar/ cummaz (adj.)

[-/ cummazlıq] (n.)

cumar/ cummaz (repeating aspect)

[cumarkən/ cummaz ikən] (adverb)

cumur/ cummur (progressive aspect)

[cumurkən/cummurkən] (adverb)

cummuş/ cummamış (perfect aspect)

[cummuşkən/ cummamışkən] (adverb)

cumacaq/ cummayacaq (future aspect)

[cumacaq ikən/ cummayacaq ikən] (adverb)


[cumaraq: cumar + aq] (adverb)


[cumcağın: cum + cağın] [cuma cuma] (adverb)

(infinitive/ noun from infinitive)

cummaq [cummağa, cummaqda, cummaqdan, cummağı, cummağın]
[cummağacan, cummaqda ikən, cummağınkı]

cumma [cummaya, cummada, cummadan, cummanı, cummanın]

cumduq [cumduğa, cumduqda, cumduqdan, cumduğu]
[cumduqca, cumduqda ikən]

cumdu [cumduya, cumduda, cumdudan, cumdunu, cumdunun]


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